JamaicaJamaica lies 550 miles south of Florida at the very heart of the Caribbean. The island is famous for the unique appeal of its scenic and rugged interior – the Blue Mountains rise to well over 7,000 feet – combined with the unmatched beauty of dazzling tropical beaches bordering the blue-green water of the Caribbean Sea. Each year, more and more visitors are attracted by the island’s magic, its history and its world-class facilities. Jamaica is the largest English-speaking island in the Caribbean and the third largest in the region. With a total land area of 10,991 sq. km (4,442 square miles), the island is 235 km (146 miles) long with widths varying between 35 and 82 km (22 and 51 miles). The average temperature in Jamaica is 27 degrees Celsius and the annual precipitation on the island is 198 cm. HealthNo vaccinations are required to enter Jamaica. Jamaica’s standards of health are generally pretty high. Tap water in Jamaica is purified. Most large hotels also have a resident nurse and you can find both public and private hospitals in all major towns. All hospitals in Jamaica have 24-hour emergency facilities. Getting Married in Jamaicato get married in a civil union in Jamaica, you must have been on the island for 24 hours and possess a birth certificate as well as a divorce or death certificate if divorced or widowed. Many large hotels can make all the arrangements for you. Most of these hotels will require you to send note arrived copies and forward copies of passports at least six weeks in advance. Tipping in JamaicaMost hotels and restaurants add a 10%-15% service charge. If not, it is recommended to tip according to quality of service. All-inclusive resorts do not allow tipping. Safety Tips in JamaicaThere is no denying that Jamaica is a very poor island. Because of this, some islanders make their living by being tech fees or wrong. The best advice that we can give you is to avoid ghetto areas at all times, particularly in the Kingston area. Only used licensed taxis. Do not carry out levels or jewelry when strolling around and only carry as much money as you need while keeping the rest locked safely in the hotel safe. If you are driving, always lock your car doors. Other Jamaica Tourism WebsitesThe Jamaica tourist Board promotes poor resume and handles tourist information. It can provide general information and maps plus information on holidays in Jamaica. The following are additional websites for tourism information about Jamaica: |
Population2.8 million Time ZoneJamaica is on Eastern Standard Time (EST), which corresponds to GMT -5 hr. From the second Sunday in March to the first Sunday in November, Daylight Saving Time (DST) is not observed in Jamaica . LanguageEnglish is the official language of Jamaica, but Patois, which happens to be a mixture of broken English and other languages is spoken throughout the island. DiversityJamaica is a very diverse Island and it is proud of its diversity. The National motto of Jamaica is “Out of many, one people”. Its history from Africa, Europe and Asia have helped shape Jamaica, and make it a multifaceted mosaic of international customs and traditions. ClimateJamaica’s climate varies a lot over the year. The city is known for its cold winters, but its summers are hot and generally sunny, with occasional muggy days. National Holidays
Jamaica observes the following National holidays. Money & CurrencyThe Jamaican dollar is the official currency of Jamaica. Banks are opened from 9AM till 2PM from Monday to Thusday and from 9AM till Non and 2PM till 5PM on Friday. All major credit cards are accepted in Jamaica. TipsMost hotels in Jamaica will add an additional 10-15% service charge to your bill. This same tipping percentage is recommended Passports & VisasA valid passport is required for anybody entering Jamaica by air travel. Driving LicensesTo drive in Jamaica, you need to have foreign drivers license. International drivers licenses are not required in Jamaica. CommunicationInternational phone services operate 24 hours a day. There are 3 national newspapers available throughout the island. Fax, Internet, radio, television and other forms of communication are also available througout the island. WaterWater in Jamaica is filtered and purfied, making it safe to drink. ElectricityVoltage in Jamaica is 110 V AC at 50 Hz. Weights and MeasuresOfficially, Jamaica uses the metric system. Temperatures are given in Celsius and distances and speed limits are in kilometres. |
Jamaica Visitor Information