Travel Tips

Getting Around New York City by Car

Because public transportation and walking are much more efficient ways to see the sights and sounds of New York City, a car is not recommended. New York City’s tend to be quite congested, particularly during rush hour. Parking in New York City is quite expensive and finding somewhere to park can be quite frustrating.

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Because public transportation and walking are much more efficient ways to see the sights and sounds of New York City, a car is not recommended. New York City’s tend to be quite congested, particularly during rush hour. Parking in New York City is quite expensive and finding somewhere to park can be quite frustrating. Many areas of Manhattan have restrictions on vehicular traffic at certain times, adding to the frustrations of getting around by car.

In New York City, it is mandatory to wear a seat belt when driving. It is illegal to have a cell phone in your hand while driving a car; you must use a hands-free device. You are not allowed to make right turns at red traffic lights. The speed limit varies depending if you are on a major road or a quiet street. In general, you should always look for the signs indicating the speed limit to have an idea of what the speed limit is.

Parking in New York City is quite frustration because it is quite hard to find parking space. Parking spaces in New York City also have a lot of restrictions and rules. For example, you cannot park in certain areas during cleaning times; you cannot park in certain residential areas without a permit, etc… If you are in violation of any of New York City’s parking rules, your vehicle will be towed. Several paid parking lots exist but these areas tend to be quite expensive.

Most of the major car rental companies have offices in Manhattan, New York City’s major airports and the other boroughs. Many of these car rental companies require the driver to be at least 25 years old along with a valid driver’s license and a major credit card. You will also have to provide proof of insurance with some companies. Some of the more popular car rental companies are listed below:

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