
Trinidad Carnival Costumes

You will find some of the most beautiful costumes in the world at the Trinidad Carnival.

You will find some of the most beautiful carnival costumes in the world at the Trinidad Carnival. Many participants wear elaborate costumes that are often decorated with features and other accessories. Trinidad and Tobago’s natural beauty is often the inspiration for costumer designs. Designers will often use the island’s bright flowers and lush colors as the starting point for their costumes. trinidad-tobago-carnival-costume-1


If you plan to wear a costume and join a band during the Trinidad Carnival, then you are playing mas. The first thing to do if you plan on wearing a costume at the Trinidad Carnival is choose the band that you want to play with. Once you have chosen your band, then you can begin looking at the various Carnival costumes available for that band.


Basic costume prices for the Trinidad Carnival are approximately US$400 to US$600. However costumes in the more popular sections can cost upwards of US$1000. If you are purchasing a costume for an all-inclusive section, then you will likely be paying more since you are purchasing more than just the costume in an all-inclusive section.


Most of the popular Carnival bands have websites, facebook pages and other resources where you can preview the upcoming costumes for Trinidad’s Carnival. Many of these bands will also have launch parties and preview parties to display the costumes that they will be wearing for the Trinidad Carnival. Most of these sites will ask for your basic measurements and a small down payment. A costume with some of Trinidad’s top bands in some of the most desired sections can cost upwards of US$1000.


Bikini Carnival Costumes are by far the most popular costumes at the Trinidad Carnival. People who play mas seem to love these costumes and the rule seems to be: the skimpier the better. Women at the Trinidad Carnival are often scantily clad but you can also find costumes are are less revealing.


A band will have many sections and all members of a particular section will have similar types of costumes. You are free to roam the band and go to various sections for most of the parade, but you must group together with members of your section during the judging period. Its important to mention that certain sections of a band sell out really quickly so you must choose your costume and section quickly before all parts of the section are filled.


You will have to pick up your costume at mas camp. Mas camp is where the costumes are distributed, often section by section. If you arrive late, there is usually a final costume distribution that takes place on the Friday before carnival. Try to avoid this final distribution because the lines tend to be quite long. trinidad-tobago-carnival-costume-2 trinidad-tobago-carnival-costume-4 trinidad-tobago-carnival-costume-5 trinidad-tobago-carnival-costume-6 trinidad-tobago-carnival-costume-tribe

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Trinidad and Tobago’s natural beauty is often the inspiration for costumer designs. Basic costume prices for the Trinidad Carnival are approximately US$400 to US$600.

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